Panang curry paste starts out with the same ingredient as red curry paste but cumin is what sets it apart from others. To cook Panang curry, you will need Panang curry paste since it plays a big portion of your final flavor.
Ingredients: Red curry paste (dried red chili, shallot, lemon grass, garlic, salt, galangal, makrut lime zest, coriander seed, cumin powder), water, safflower oil, 100% freshly squeezed lemon juice and cumin.
Directions: Stir 1 heaping TSP of Thai & True Panang Curry Paste in medium-heated oil. Add choice of protein and veggies. Then, add 1 cup of coconut milk. Bring it to simmer and serve.
Check out Panang Curry Paste Recipes
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This product is GMO-free, Gluten-Free and Vegan.